  • +421907976444
  • office@keis.sk
  • Poľná 1, Košice, Slovakia

KEIS Choir at U.S. Embassy Party

We have just experienced a lovely late afternoon at the U.S.-Slovak diplomatic relations anniversary celebration in Kosice with brave PYP1-2 students! Led by Ms Nadia, KEIS Homeroom and Music Teacher, they have prepared enchanting melodies to perform in front of 200+ honourable guests. After the show, they had the direct […]

The End of 3rd Year at KEIS!

Thanks to all families, teachers and students for having you with us and for different ways of support during KEIS 3rd year. Big thanks to our corporate partners, Deutsche Telekom IT Solutions Slovakia and ANTIK Telecom s.r.o., for helping us to operate the first English international kindergarten, a primary and […]

KEIS PYP Exhibition 2023

For the 2nd time, our Primary Years Programme Kosice International School graduates had the chance to present the result of their research to their younger and older schoolmates, parents, students from partner schools and even regional politicians. We all learned from interesting findings, analysis, discussions and high-quality English presentations our […]