  • +421907976444
  • office@keis.sk
  • Poľná 1, Košice, Slovakia

Webinar: Challenges of Online Education

We have new chance to experience piece of modern pedagogy provided by Head of School, Michael Cresswell. This time, invited by American Chamber of Commerce in Slovakia to share his experience and academical knowledge in the area of online and distance learning. Join us on the webinar and register under […]

Zvýhodnené štipendium pre slovenských rodičov

Práve sme zverejnili zvýhodnenú možnosť štipendia pre slovenské rodiny. Len 450 eur mesačne zabezpečí Vášmu dieťaťu špičkové základné vzdelanie na KEIS. Podmienkou je záväzok zapísať dieťa minimálne na 2 roky a poskytovať škole pre účely marketingu vaše osobné referencie minimálne dvakrát do roka. Kompletné informácie nájdete tu. Vypíšte jednoduchý formulár […]

PYP Teacher Position

We are growing! If you are keen to be a pioneer of the enhanced PYP in the EU, come and be part of the team. We need another PYP Class Teacher, starting in September 2020. CLOSING DATE: 22 MAY 2020 | STARTING DATE: 27 AUGUST 2020 Description of School: Kosice […]

Renovation Update 1

This week the renovation of KEIS premises has started at Poľná. Classrooms, office premises, canteen, corridors and toilettes all undergo significant upgrade. It includes new plastering, full exchange of windows, doors, floors and hygiene equipment and much more. It is definitely the challenge as the building was out-of-use for last […]